How to Find A Therapist in Santa Rosa
While Santa Rosa and Sonoma County has a robust mental health care system compared to many more rural communities, unfortunately that has not translated into an easy process for our community members to find the right therapist.
There are so many things to consider: insurance coverage, reimbursement of fees, location, online or in-person, timing of available appointments, licensed versus unlicensed therapist, and most importantly- how to find someone whom you can truly understand the issues you are facing?
Santa Rosa Therapist Tip # 1:
Do some screening before the first appointment
There is a reason this is #1 on the list: research shows that the therapeutic relationship is the most important factor in the outcomes of therapy for clients.
What does this mean? In order to have the best chance to benefit from therapy, you should feel a good vibe with your therapist, feel understood, trust your therapist, and you have confidence that your therapist has the knowledge and skill to help you in your particular area of struggle.
Even if you find a therapist that meets all the other factors you might be looking for: fee, location, time of appointment availability, etc. if the therapist is not someone you feel comfortable opening up to, you might want to reconsider your search criteria.
That said, sometimes it does take a few sessions to feel comfortable in therapy, especially if it is new to you, however you can usually get a good sense of a therapists’ vibe from a phone call and looking at their website.
Take advantage of the free phone consultations that many therapists offer prior to setting up an appointment with them. Ask friends and family for recommendations. It’s always ok to change your mind, even after you have met with a therapist a few times. Trust your gut, if you don’t feel like a therapist is understanding the root of your pain and problems, try out someone new.
Santa Rosa Therapist Tip #2:
Consider the Location of Your Therapist
One of the biggest changes in mental health care due to the pandemic was the shift from mostly in-person therapy to online “teletherapy.” Teletherapy refers to any type of therapy performed either over video or over the phone.
Some therapists in Santa Rosa have completely shifted their practices to be virtual only, some are completely in-office, and some do a combination. Some therapists who advertise their services as available in Sonoma County aren’t even located in this area—sometimes, they may even be in a different state!
Think about what is going to work best for you. Some considerations to make:
Do you have a private space to meet with a therapist virtually that you won’t be distracted or have concerns about other people overhearing you?
Do you have “zoom fatigue” or just tired of meeting with people online?
Do you live in an area that is close to many therapist offices or in a more rural area?
Do you have a schedule that allows time to transport to and from a therapist’s office for appointments? Do you have a mode of reliable transportation to get you there?
Do you have a reliable and strong internet connection to be able to engage in teletherapy from your home?
There are many pros and cons of teletherapy versus in-person therapy. One of the biggest benefits to virtual therapy is the number of options of therapists available to you- you will likely be able to pick any therapist that is licensed in California, as long as you are also located within California.
Of course, if you think you might at some point need in-person visits, or need a therapist who can provide you with local referrals (such as a psychiatrist, medical professionals, local community resources, etc.) picking a local therapist will be important.
Santa Rosa Therapist Tip #3: Understand Your Insurance Benefits for Therapy in Santa Rosa (And if you want to use it)
Many people choose a therapist based on what their health insurance company will cover. If this is the case for you, learn as much as you can about your health plan benefits. Health insurance coverage typically is offered through several different plans, most commonly: HMO (Health Management Organization) or PPO (Preferred Provider Organization).
In Sonoma County and Santa Rosa, the most popular HMO plans are usually through Kaiser Permanente. This website explains the differences, pros/cons, and nuances of HMO versus PPO plans in California for more in-depth information.
While each plan is unique, in general with an HMO insurance you will need to find an “in-network” provider to receive coverage for therapy services. This is a limited list of therapists whom have contracted with the specific insurance company to provide services for their members.
In general, a PPO insurance will allows you to see any licensed therapist of YOUR choosing (called “out-of-network providers”) and they will pay for an agreed upon percentage of the fee (this is often referred to as coinsurance) in addition to their contracted in-network providers. I know, it is confusing and complicated.
Some individuals in Sonoma County have insurance provided through MediCal, without an assigned insurance provider. If this is the case for you, try calling the Sonoma County Access Team: (800) 870-8786, to learn more about your options for therapy.
Some people prefer to forgo the insurance completely and pay out of pocket for their therapy. There are many personal reasons to forgo insurance completely including: not wanting an official diagnosis to be made and placed in their medical record (such as for certain professions), or just for increased confidentiality and privacy.
Santa Rosa Therapist Tip #4:
Be Persistent!
It will likely take a lot of phone calls, follow-up phone calls, researching and asking around (friends and family) to find a therapist whom meets your criteria. Advocating for yourself is key. It can be discouraging to make a few calls and not have an immediate response, but trust that there are therapists out there ready and willing to work with you.
The good news is, if you are searching in Sonoma County and Santa Rosa, there are plenty of therapists out there who would love to help you.
Most importantly, don’t give up! If it feels too exhausting to do this work on your own, ask if a friend or family member can help make calls for you or help with the research. This is the time to rely on our support systems when we are struggling and need to find a way to get connected to mental health care.
Angela Sitka, LMFT is a Santa Rosa therapist in private practice specializing in relationship anxiety, men’s issues, breakup, divorce recovery, and young adult issues.
Free therapy consultation in Santa Rosa
I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Santa Rosa, CA.
If you’d like more information about my practice and how I help, check out my about me page.
If you’re ready for a free 15 minute phone consultation, I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. You can directly book a time for a phone consultation with me using this link.