Santa Rosa Therapist’s Blog
Why Can't I Stop Thinking About Someone? Effective Strategies to Stop Obsessing
Check out my feature in leading online mental health and psychology publisher, Psych Central. It was great to collaborate on this article about obsessive thinking. Check out the article to learn more about why we get stuck on people and how to help yourself “get over” them.
Gratitude Journals that Work (Even When Life Sucks) Therapist in Santa Rosa
As a Santa Rosa therapist, here is my unique take on gratitude journals when life sucks. How to do a gratitude practice that improves self-esteem, self-worth and confidence without feeling fake, silly, or contrived.
How Do I Get Over My Breakup? Santa Rosa Therapist’s Top 3 Ways to Cope with a Breakup
As a therapist who specializes in working with adults in midst of breakups, I have heard a lot of different ways people cope with a loss of a relationship. Here are my top 3 tips that I have found most helpful for my clients in my therapy practice in Santa Rosa.