Santa Rosa Therapist’s Blog
Why Can't I Stop Thinking About Someone? Effective Strategies to Stop Obsessing
Check out my feature in leading online mental health and psychology publisher, Psych Central. It was great to collaborate on this article about obsessive thinking. Check out the article to learn more about why we get stuck on people and how to help yourself “get over” them.
I’m a Breakup Therapist, Top 5 Reasons You Can’t Move On
Here are 5 questions to ask yourself if you are taking a longer length of time to recover from the breakup, separation or divorce according to a therapist.
Grieving “Wasted Years” After Divorce and Breakups: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself & Move on
As a divorce and breakup therapist, a common theme that comes up for many of my clients is grief over lost time that was spend in the relationship. Major relationship disruptions, like breakups, divorce and separations go hand-in-hand with reflecting on the past and may bring up feelings of regret or sadness about the time spent in a relationship that has now ended.
5 Breakup Mistakes that keeps you from moving on from your ex
Letting go of a relationship is never easy. I’m a licensed therapist specialized in breakup recovery. Learn my top 5 factors that can make a breakup more complicated, painful, or drawn out.
3 Ways to Use Self-Compassion After a Breakup- Tips from a Therapist
Self-compassion entails being kind and understanding toward oneself in instances of pain or failure rather than being harshly self-critical. Learn practical ways to utilize self-compassion from a licensed therapist.
Santa Rosa Therapist: Co-parenting Through Divorce? How Individual Therapy Can Help
Struggling with co-parenting? You're not alone. People often wonder what to try next after co-parenting counseling didn’t work or never even began. Here’s some ideas of how individual therapy can help from a licensed therapist.
How Do I Get Over My Breakup? Santa Rosa Therapist’s Top 3 Ways to Cope with a Breakup
As a therapist who specializes in working with adults in midst of breakups, I have heard a lot of different ways people cope with a loss of a relationship. Here are my top 3 tips that I have found most helpful for my clients in my therapy practice in Santa Rosa.
Do I need therapy after my breakup? 3 Signs According to Santa Rosa Therapist
You might be considering therapy, but how do you know it's time to make the call? As a licensed therapist in Santa Rosa specializing in helping adults going through relationship breakups, here are the red flags that it is time to seek a therapist for extra support.